Giants? Pats? Nope. Help Boto Go to the Super Bowl

Rolling Stone Super Bowl

If you thought Tom Brady and Gisel heading to Indy meant the Super Bowl couldn’t get any sexier this year, boy were you wrong. The glow of electric sex that is Borrow Tomorrow has a chance to perform at the Rolling Stone-hosted Rock and Roll Fan Tailgate at the Super Bowl. Jane’s Addiction and the Roots headline the event, and up for grabs is an opening slot! Help us get there! Here’s how:

OK, let’s be real for just a second. This an awesome opportunity, but we’re one of a ton of great local bands vying for our time to shine. That’s where you come in–we need your votes, your friends’ votes, your Mom’s votes. We need your yoga instructor, your grocery cashier, cat, dog, and favorite pair of shoes to vote for us in order to pull this off. When the dust settles and all votes are tallied, the top 3 bands advance, and the winner of the 3 finalists is selected by Rolling Stone.

Quick and dirty rules: you can vote once per day from now until 8PM EST SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. It requires an email address to make it happen, but it’s easy, we promise, and only takes a couple minutes.

Vote Now!

You’re awesome, and we love you.
